7/15 電気学会中国支部 講演会(主催)

【日 時】平成28年7月15日(金) 15:00~16:00

【場 所】広島大学(東広島キャンパス)工学研究科・大会議室(事務棟2階)
      (〒739-8527 東広島市鏡山1-4-1)

【演 題】「Reactive Power Reserves Management for Power System Security Enhancement」

【概 要】
In recent years, the tendency of the power system utilities worldwide to raise the integration level of the renewable energy sources at the expense of conventional generation accompanied with rapid load growth and limited assigned investment of transmission have compelled the power networks to operate toward heavily stressed situations. In such circumstances, the significant role of the reactive power reserves is crucial in protecting the system against the vulnerability to voltage instability that could be triggered following severe contingencies. Maintaining appropriate VAR reserves to rapidly be used in the emergency situations for secure operation is an essential task that the power system operators are responsible for. This lecture is concerned with the significant role of the reactive power reserves in protecting the power grid against the vulnerability to voltage instability. The lecture deals with the most recent research studies that have been conducted to provide the system operators with adequate and reliable tools to readily assess the reactive power reserve in real-time operation and planning stage. The summary of various definitions of load’s and generator’s reactive power reserves and their correlation with the voltage stability and the available computational methods will be discussed. New formulation and solution methodology which are expected to be applied off-line to quantify and promote the amount of the reactive power reserve for a predicted load and its foreseen disturbances will be presented. The problem is stated as an optimization problem endeavoring to simultaneously minimize energy loss, control cost and maximize the effective VAR reserve while satisfying a huge number of constraints associated with predicated load and its anticipated contingencies.


【講 師】 Prof. El-Said El-Sayed El-Araby, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
【参加料】 無料

【事前の参加申込】 不要

【問合せ先】広島大学 大学院工学研究院 電力・エネルギー工学
      餘利野 直人,造賀 芳文,佐々木 豊

