No. 1315
Electromagnetic Technologies and Early-Warning System for Natural Hazard Mitigation
Investigating R&D Committee on Electromagnetic Technologies and Early-Warning System for Natural Hazard Mitigation
Keyword : Natural Hazards, Natural Hazard Mitigation, Seismo-electromagnetics, Rainfall and Cloud Radar
Natural hazards such as lightning discharge, torrential rainfall, earthquake, and volcanoes threaten human lives and activities. Recent development of electromagnetic technologies allow us to forecast and monitor natural hazards, for example, rainfall radars, lightning detection system, and so on. Moreover, earthquake-related electromagnetic phenomena are recently studied actively, and being considered as a promising candidate for short-term earthquake prediction.
This technical report presents the recent development of electromagnetic technologies and early-warning system for natural hazard mitigation, and summarizes the state of the art and research progress of seismo-electromagnetics.

©2007. The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan