No. 1377
Recent Advances in Real-World Haptics
Investigating R&D Committee on Real-World Haptics
Keyword : Real Haptics, Acceleration-Based Bilateral Control
In the academic field of haptics, which deals with the artificial reproduction of haptic information, fundamental technologies for real-world haptics have been developed. These technologies have helped realize the vivid reproduction of haptic information through the use of a master-slave system. Technologies related to real-world haptics are expected to innovate the industrial field as well as realize flexible human support. To further improve real-world haptics, it is important to clarify integrated design methods involving actuators, sensors, electric power conversion, motion control, networked systems, etc.
With this background, this report, which deals with issues regarding the state-of-the-art technologies for real-world haptics, is organized as follows.
1. Theory and foresight of real-world haptics
2. Techniques for enhancing real-world haptics
3. Adaptation and increase in degrees of freedom for real-world haptics
4. Real-world haptics for teleoperation
5. Human support and industry applications of real-world haptics

©2007. The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan