The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) is a science corporation with a membership system with scholars and engineers, founded in 1888.
This traditional society, with its long history of more than a century, always seeks innovation and encourages enterprise activities.
Its membership has exceeded 22,000 today. IEEJ benefits from the participation and support of various people: not only students putting their heart into learning electrical science, but also scholars and engineers in the forefront of universities and companies. Consequently, IEEJ has produced numerous research publications, inventions, and discoveries.
The IEEJ renovated the old organization in 1991 and adopted a society system to stimulate general activities and encourage members’ specialties.
The role of electrical engineering has been expanded by electrical science. Electrical engineering today encompasses a wide area, including electronics, information, energy, and the environment.
Today, IEEJ puts forth its best efforts in contributing to social welfare through study activities, the research of engineers of electrical science, and through presentation of results from an international perspective.
Our Mission
Today, with the swift and dynamic changes in every aspect of society, the IEEJ strongly feels the need to take the leadership in creating an international platform to exchange ideas on critical issues by leveraging its resources, expertise and experience.
By taking the first step to expand its relations with scholars and electrical engineers across Asian and the neighbouring Oceanic nations, the IEEJ aims to promote international co-operations, thus leading to more active industrial links and invigoration of industries within the region.
Founded in 1888, IEEJ is a scientific organization now with around 22,000 members consisting mainly of scholars and engineers in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.
With the large number of participations and supports from the people representing both academic and corporate communities, the IEEJ manage to carry out various amount of activities including the publications of scientific journals and books, technical research and investigation along with accomplishing mutual exchange with similar organizations in other countries as well as with various international organizations.
In June 1997, the IEEJ established a committee to define its formal Principles of International Activities. The major points, taken from the resulting principles that was agreed upon and subsequently approved by the Executive Committee can be summarized as follows :
The IEEJ will conduct its activities as an open organization to the international community and support the participating individuals in providing their outstanding work to the society.
The support actions will primarily be in aiding the development of international information exchange networks, including encouraging the recruitment of foreign members and promotion of the Corresponding Membership.