中川会長からのShort Message 2020.3.6


これを受けて中国電機工程学会CSEEからメッセージが届いています。CSEEと電気学会はこれまで緊密な交流を続け,昨年7月には共に香港での国際会議ICEEを支援し,11月にはCSEE総会にも招かれました。CSEE のDr. Yinbiao SHU会長から頂いたメッセージは電気学会HP(https://www.iee.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/CSEE-letter.pdf)にアップしておりますし,返礼のメッセージも中国側に送りました。ここではCSEE学会本部から届いた心打たれるメッセージを皆さんにご紹介いたします。

“The friendship between CSEE and IEEJ have been well-established and honored by time. Our tradition of visiting each other’s annual meeting since early in 1993. This year, we should have met with our Japanese colleagues in Tokyo at early spring with blossoming cherry flowers, to exchange topics of electric power technology and renew our friendship. However, in order to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19, we have to regretfully cancel the visit to your annual meeting. Virus respects no borders, but the worst of times reveals the best in people. Faced with the outbreak, it is only natural for China and Japan, as close neighbors, to deal with it hand in hand. After the epidemic struck, the Japanese government and people provided valuable support and assistance to China at the earliest time possible, conveying a touching message of empathy to the Chinese people and setting good example for the international community to deal with global challenges altogether. When lending each other a helping hand, we gain friendship and mutual trust. We hold dear such friendship and we salute you. We’re standing by your side, and our thoughts are with you.”