技術者倫理事例集(第2集)に収録されている,事例7「研究者のモラル」については,大学院における技術者倫理教育の講義での「留学生」への教材の必要性から,倫理委員会教育WGにおいて英語訳を作成しました。以下に英語訳の一部分を掲載します。全文を閲覧ご希望の方は,倫理委員会事務局:rinri(at)iee.or.jp [(at)→@]まで,次の事項を記載してお申込みください。
(1)メール件名に 事例英語訳送付希望,(2)お名前,(3)ご勤務先,(4)所属学協会名,(5)送付先メールアドレス
Case-study 7: Researcher’s Morality
Manabu Shiomi is a researcher working in Professor Sato’s research laboratory at Tozai University. The research theme that Manabu is currently working on is the contract-research entrusted to Prof.Sato by Nanboku Electronics Co., Ltd.…
Manabu was now faced with a dilemma. The draft paper he had right now was significant in its own way. It might be meaningful to submit it as it was. However, there was also the possibility that the previous night’s experiment results may all together contradict the “meaningful” content of his draft.
Regrettably, there was just not enough time to evaluate yesterday’s results.
Let’s think it over!!
- What points in Manabu’s way of thinking do you find problematic? Please list them up.
- Of each of the points listed above, describe why they are problematic.
- Investigate the requirements which you must comply with when submitting a paper to the academic society with which you are affiliated?
- まなぶの考えに,どのような問題があるか考えてみよう。それを列記してみよう。
- 前項で列記した問題点のそれぞれについて,どうしてそれが問題になるのかを説明してみよう。
- 貴方が関係している学会等の学術団体に論文を投稿する際に,守らなければならないことにどのようなことがあるか,調べてみよう。