電力技術研究会/The 3rd International Workshop on Power Engineering in Remote Islands (IWPI2019-Kaohsiung)
離島・オフグリッドにおける電力技術, および電力技術一般 (発電,送電,変電,配電,パワーエレクトロニクス技術など)
会場:The library building meeting rooms Lecture Hall, College of Engineering (EN2048), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan(台湾)詳細はこちら
論文公募締切 締め切りました
原稿締切 2019年8月7日(水)※厳守
Day1, September 9: Registration and welcome reception
Day2, September 10: Workshop (Oral sessions) and official banquet
Day3, September 11: Technical Tour
Power engineering in remote island power systems, off-grid power systems, and general power systems (generation, transmission, transformation, distribution, power electronics, etc.)
9-11 September, 2019
Venue: The library building meeting rooms Lecture Hall, College of Engineering (EN2048), National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan(Directions and location)
Deadline for Appication: Closed
Deadline for Submission papers: 7th August,2019
Language: English
Call for Paper
Day1, September 9: Registration and welcome reception
Day2, September 10: Workshop (Oral sessions) and official banquet
Day3, September 11: Technical Tour